Le moteur d'exécution .NET Desktop Runtime vous permet d'exécuter des applications de bureau Windows existantes. Cette version inclut le Runtime .NET ; vous n'avez pas besoin de l'installer séparément
15151 téléchargements
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- package : tis-dotnet6
- name : .NET Runtime 6
- version : 6.0.36-12
- categories : Dependency
- maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Jimmy PELÉ
- installed_size : 193107342
- editor : Microsoft
- licence : opensource_free,cpe:/a:mit:x11_license,wapt_public
- signature_date : 2024-11-17T20:03:47.000000
- size : 109.09 Mo
- locale : all
- target_os : windows
- impacted_process :
- architecture : x64
- Page d'accueil : https://github.com/dotnet/runtime
package : tis-dotnet6
version : 6.0.36-12
architecture : x64
section : base
priority : optional
name : .NET Runtime 6
categories : Dependency
maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Jimmy PELÉ
description : The .NET Desktop Runtime enables you to run existing Windows desktop applications. This release includes the .NET Runtime; you don't need to install it separately
depends :
conflicts :
maturity : PROD
locale : all
target_os : windows
min_wapt_version : 2.3
sources : https://github.com/dotnet/runtime
installed_size : 193107342
impacted_process :
description_fr : Le moteur d'exécution .NET Desktop Runtime vous permet d'exécuter des applications de bureau Windows existantes. Cette version inclut le Runtime .NET ; vous n'avez pas besoin de l'installer séparément
description_pl : Środowisko uruchomieniowe .NET Desktop Runtime umożliwia uruchamianie istniejących aplikacji pulpitu systemu Windows. Ta wersja zawiera środowisko uruchomieniowe .NET; nie trzeba go instalować osobno
description_de : Mit der .NET Desktop Runtime können Sie vorhandene Windows-Desktop-Anwendungen ausführen. Diese Version enthält die .NET Runtime; Sie brauchen sie nicht separat zu installieren
description_es : .NET Desktop Runtime le permite ejecutar las aplicaciones de escritorio de Windows existentes. Esta versión incluye .NET Runtime; no es necesario instalarlo por separado
description_pt : O .NET Desktop Runtime permite-lhe executar aplicações existentes do ambiente de trabalho do Windows. Esta versão inclui o .NET Runtime; não é necessário instalá-lo separadamente
description_it : Il .NET Desktop Runtime consente di eseguire le applicazioni desktop di Windows esistenti. Questa versione include il .NET Runtime; non è necessario installarlo separatamente
description_nl : Met de .NET Desktop Runtime kun je bestaande Windows desktopapplicaties uitvoeren. Deze release bevat de .NET Runtime; je hoeft deze niet apart te installeren
description_ru : .NET Desktop Runtime позволяет запускать существующие приложения для настольных систем Windows. Данный выпуск включает в себя .NET Runtime; устанавливать его отдельно не требуется
audit_schedule :
editor : Microsoft
keywords :
licence : opensource_free,cpe:/a:mit:x11_license,wapt_public
homepage : https://github.com/dotnet/runtime
package_uuid : 5bd8641b-fc3f-4e75-8975-f8b6a479c692
valid_from :
valid_until :
forced_install_on :
changelog : https://github.com/dotnet/core/tree/main/release-notes/6.0
min_os_version : 6.1
max_os_version :
icon_sha256sum : 1460db9c3885967269ebbc71d898181ab7d1506f3212bafc2df3acc648d43db0
signer : Tranquil IT
signer_fingerprint: 8c5127a75392be9cc9afd0dbae1222a673072c308c14d88ab246e23832e8c6bb
signature_date : 2024-11-17T20:03:47.000000
signed_attributes : package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes
signature : D7v20qsSZIZ2gH9tn27ecajDoAJG55Cf38jc62mZzr6b/ondGW/7kUKktIZr9J1ayCAJCLPt5PRrHrCyGpMuQV4ZGKTIcSOtKOpezQj5yuPkP66JqL01O/xat+MKnWcg9iqr5Xfrjy6fjnuGQNMaPxR+/hFhv3bHxYvc/e98A92eYHtCaMHaUajgUm7ezK7cUwM1QiPCnLQBirymRvR94Z8J3iaDfQ2jLhBMF74539ebdevfZhNJgMO8cF7HbvuMyNU2s1afhiboYrTLRd25E5JQhOSTC7QFAYuD9f/8jEXHWgPL2VH8+ZhkvRnQB56C0cl+tpZY1UiEQ41CuE76zw==
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuphelpers import *
"key": "{3544B2EE-E62F-4D11-B79C-3DDEACE94DA5}",
"name": "Microsoft .NET Runtime - 6.0.25 (x64)",
"version": "48.100.4028",
"install_date": "2023-11-27 00:00:00",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": "MsiExec.exe /X{3544B2EE-E62F-4D11-B79C-3DDEACE94DA5}",
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": true,
"key": "{AE86D888-1404-47CC-A7BB-8D86C0503E58}",
"name": "Microsoft .NET Host FX Resolver - 6.0.25 (x64)",
"version": "48.100.4028",
"install_date": "2023-11-27 00:00:00",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": "MsiExec.exe /X{AE86D888-1404-47CC-A7BB-8D86C0503E58}",
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": true,
"key": "{C7141A99-592B-4226-A4E9-B767C1D0FBAF}",
"name": "Microsoft .NET Host - 6.0.25 (x64)",
"version": "48.100.4028",
"install_date": "2023-11-27 00:00:00",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": "MsiExec.exe /X{C7141A99-592B-4226-A4E9-B767C1D0FBAF}",
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": true,
"key": "{E016F2B9-01FE-4FAA-882E-ECC43FA49751}",
"name": "Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.25 (x64)",
"version": "48.100.4037",
"install_date": "2023-11-27 00:00:00",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": "MsiExec.exe /X{E016F2B9-01FE-4FAA-882E-ECC43FA49751}",
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": true,
"key": "{2deb241e-99d9-4489-ae8d-4778d470fedd}",
"name": "Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.25 (x86)",
"version": "",
"install_date": "",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": '"C:\\ProgramData\\Package Cache\\{2deb241e-99d9-4489-ae8d-4778d470fedd}\\windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.25-win-x86.exe" /uninstall',
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": false,
"key": "{6D7737C0-9538-48ED-ACB7-688A891417C4}",
"name": "Microsoft .NET Runtime - 6.0.25 (x86)",
"version": "48.100.4028",
"install_date": "2023-11-27 00:00:00",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": "MsiExec.exe /X{6D7737C0-9538-48ED-ACB7-688A891417C4}",
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": false,
"key": "{73191C34-7ACF-493B-B92E-FE368D8F4071}",
"name": "Microsoft .NET Host FX Resolver - 6.0.25 (x86)",
"version": "48.100.4028",
"install_date": "2023-11-27 00:00:00",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": "MsiExec.exe /X{73191C34-7ACF-493B-B92E-FE368D8F4071}",
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": false,
"key": "{906F835E-F52B-47C2-A996-A769EB284880}",
"name": "Microsoft .NET Host - 6.0.25 (x86)",
"version": "48.100.4028",
"install_date": "2023-11-27 00:00:00",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": "MsiExec.exe /X{906F835E-F52B-47C2-A996-A769EB284880}",
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": false,
"key": "{AF1BA644-A730-46A9-BFE1-C1B79EBBE36D}",
"name": "Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.25 (x86)",
"version": "48.100.4037",
"install_date": "2023-11-27 00:00:00",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": "MsiExec.exe /X{AF1BA644-A730-46A9-BFE1-C1B79EBBE36D}",
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": false,
"key": "{fb0500c1-f968-4621-a48b-985b52884c49}",
"name": "Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.25 (x64)",
"version": "",
"install_date": "",
"install_location": "",
"uninstall_string": '"C:\\ProgramData\\Package Cache\\{fb0500c1-f968-4621-a48b-985b52884c49}\\windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.25-win-x64.exe" /uninstall',
"publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"system_component": 0,
"win64": false,
def install():
dotnet_version = control.get_software_version().split(".")[0]
# Installing the software
silentflags = "/install /quiet /norestart"
if iswin64():
name=f"Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - {dotnet_version}.*(x64)",
force=True, # force option, since the version is not easy to check, and the installer will take care of it.
name=f"Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - {dotnet_version}.*(x86)",
force=True, # force option, since the version is not easy to check, and the installer will take care of it.
# Clear uninstallkey to avoid the no-code audit and uninstall
def audit():
# Declaring local variables
audit_result = "OK"
dotnet_version = control.get_software_version().split(".")[0]
app_check = installed_softwares(name=f"Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - {dotnet_version}.*")
audit_version = True
# Auditing software
if not app_check:
print("%s is not installed" % control.package.split("-", 1)[-1].replace("-", " ").title())
audit_result = "ERROR"
elif audit_version:
for to_audit in app_check:
if r"ProgramData\Package Cache" in to_audit["uninstall_string"]:
if Version(to_audit["version"]) < Version(control.get_software_version()):
print(f'{to_audit["name"]} is installed in version: {to_audit["version"]} instead of: {control.get_software_version()}.')
audit_result = "WARNING"
print("%s is installed and up-to-date." % to_audit["name"])
return audit_result
def uninstall():
# Declaring local variables
dotnet_version = control.get_software_version().split(".")[0]
for to_uninstall in installed_softwares(name=f"Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - {dotnet_version}.*"):
if r"ProgramData\Package Cache" in to_uninstall["uninstall_string"]:
print("Removing: %s (%s)" % (to_uninstall["name"], to_uninstall["version"]))
run(uninstall_cmd(to_uninstall["key"]) + " /norestart")
if isdir(to_uninstall["install_location"]):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuphelpers import *
def update_package():
# Declaring local variables
package_updated = False
proxies = get_proxies()
if not proxies:
proxies = get_proxies_from_wapt_console()
dotnet_version = ".".join(control.get_software_version().split(".")[:2])
if "x64" in ensure_list(control.architecture):
archs = ["x86", "x64"]
archs = ["x86"]
url = "https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/%s" % dotnet_version
for arch in archs:
# Getting latest version from official sources
print("URL used is: %s" % url)
for bs_search in bs_find_all(url, "a", "data-bi-dlnm", ".NET Release Table Download", proxies=proxies, timeout=10):
if "runtime-desktop-" in bs_search.get("href", "") and arch in bs_search.get("href", ""):
download_url_page = "https://dotnet.microsoft.com" + bs_search["href"]
version = download_url_page.split("/")[-1].split("-")[2]
for bs_search in bs_find_all(download_url_page, "a", "onclick", "recordManualDownload()"):
if version in bs_search.get("href", "") and "windowsdesktop-runtime" in bs_search.get("href", ""):
download_url = bs_search["href"]
latest_bin = download_url.split("/")[-1]
# Downloading latest binaries
print("Latest %s version is: %s" % (control.name, version))
print("Download URL is: %s" % download_url)
if not isfile(latest_bin):
print("Downloading: %s" % latest_bin)
wget(download_url, latest_bin, proxies=proxies)
# Checking version from file
if get_os_name() == "Windows" and "windows" in control.target_os.lower():
version_from_file = get_version_from_binary(latest_bin)
if Version(version_from_file, 3) == Version(version, 3):
print(f"INFO: Binary file version ({version_from_file}) corresponds to online version ({version})")
error(f"ERROR: Binary file version ({version_from_file}) do NOT corresponds to online version ({version})")
# Deleting outdated binaries
arch_list = ensure_list(control.architecture)
remove_outdated_binaries(version, filename_contains=("x86" if "x86" in arch_list else []))
# Changing version of the package
if Version(version, 4) > Version(control.get_software_version(), 4):
print("Software version updated (from: %s to: %s)" % (control.get_software_version(), Version(version)))
package_updated = True
print("Software version up-to-date (%s)" % Version(version))
# Validating or not update-package-sources
return package_updated
# # Changing version of the package and validating update-package-sources
# return complete_control_version(control, version)
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