package : tis-oh-my-posh-portable
version : 24.15.1-1
architecture : x64
section : base
priority : optional
name : posh
categories : dev
maintainer : Amel FRADJ
description : What started out as oh-my-posh2's offshoot for PowerShell has given birth to a cross-platform, highly customizable and extensible prompt theme engine
depends :
conflicts :
maturity : PROD
locale :
target_os : windows
min_wapt_version :
sources :
installed_size :
impacted_process :
description_fr : Ce qui a commencé comme le rejeton d'oh-my-posh2 pour PowerShell a donné naissance à un moteur de thème d'invite multiplateforme, hautement personnalisable et extensible
description_pl : To, co zaczęło się jako odgałęzienie oh-my-posh2 dla PowerShell, dało początek wieloplatformowemu, wysoce konfigurowalnemu i rozszerzalnemu silnikowi motywów podpowiedzi
description_de : Was als oh-my-posh2-Sprössling für PowerShell begann, hat sich zu einer plattformübergreifenden, hochgradig anpassbaren und erweiterbaren Prompt Theme Engine entwickelt
description_es : Lo que empezó como una rama de oh-my-posh2 para PowerShell ha dado lugar a un motor de temas de avisos multiplataforma, altamente personalizable y extensible
description_pt : O que começou por ser uma ramificação do oh-my-posh2 para o PowerShell deu origem a um motor de temas de prompt multiplataforma, altamente personalizável e extensível
description_it : Quello che era iniziato come una propaggine di oh-my-posh2 per PowerShell ha dato vita a un motore di prompt multipiattaforma, altamente personalizzabile ed estensibile
description_nl : Wat begon als oh-my-posh2's uitloper voor PowerShell is uitgegroeid tot een cross-platform, zeer aanpasbare en uitbreidbare prompt theme engine
description_ru : То, что начиналось как ответвление oh-my-posh2 для PowerShell, превратилось в кроссплатформенный, легко настраиваемый и расширяемый движок тем подсказок
audit_schedule :
editor :
keywords :
licence : MIT license
homepage :
package_uuid : acb919cf-6101-4472-8abb-a5ad04ad89d7
valid_from :
valid_until :
forced_install_on :
changelog :
min_os_version :
max_os_version :
icon_sha256sum : cad08bef3eebd35e2f2df6fbb084a9058c33004b6fc942acd90e6ffdaf6fc421
signer : Tranquil IT
signer_fingerprint: 8c5127a75392be9cc9afd0dbae1222a673072c308c14d88ab246e23832e8c6bb
signature_date : 2024-12-23T16:00:09.000000
signed_attributes : package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes
signature : cqii9JAzvWKLzzZhjMzey+UXDcKg7vc3g1ij+arFkZ0Jrnqd5GkW5wl35+98BIW5gGKEW0oJrEAW8UT4R8IVWyrmmqh3K4HmM9dijkYN41HN2Y4XwWUZitIT34Bn6AbpLjffKXv4SdJNXw14NHdxy4bnDdqRYaS+0PY1lQpM8Bda/bNnUjHzNT2vnn62Ibjs7qUpjZ3LT1YSo/mYoDoyGRP7VwV+LXE8dy+Y60kf9ts+qXNfFUefVaETPlL4gyNifOkuLAGME9G4U8FV2MBo3JV09kaiX6fDcNTaxTgz0u1sa50X8H+rztgHpWGj4Ahq26F/mRI6dUyEyqT+AQ8q/Q==