TightVNC (GlavSoft LLC.)
See build result See VirusTotal scan
- package : tis-tightvnc-viewer
- name : TightVNC Viewer
- version : 2.8.85-0
- categories : Utilities
- maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Jimmy PELÉ
- installed_size : 843776
- editor :
- licence :
- signature_date : 2024-08-19T14:00:09.506272
- size : 1.65 Mo
- locale : all
- target_os : windows
- impacted_process : tvnviewer
- architecture : x86
- Conflicts :
package : tis-tightvnc-viewer
version : 2.8.85-0
architecture : x86
section : base
priority : optional
name : TightVNC Viewer
categories : Utilities
maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Jimmy PELÉ
description : TightVNC (GlavSoft LLC.)
depends :
conflicts : tis-vnc
maturity : PROD
locale : all
target_os : windows
min_wapt_version : 1.8
sources :
installed_size : 843776
impacted_process : tvnviewer
description_fr :
description_pl :
description_de :
description_es :
description_pt :
description_it :
description_nl :
description_ru :
audit_schedule :
editor :
keywords :
licence :
homepage :
package_uuid : 41011158-22ec-45fb-9af2-4584dc69e6fb
valid_from :
valid_until :
forced_install_on :
changelog :
min_os_version :
max_os_version :
icon_sha256sum : 8c1893f19dbe8e67261e337aca3c59bad9d3136cb47930a1026c42be047c2385
signer : Tranquil IT
signer_fingerprint: 8c5127a75392be9cc9afd0dbae1222a673072c308c14d88ab246e23832e8c6bb
signature : fscnwDm+ydXkGBBMMgqEO+o6aeSVl9eYzmUpsXoEtCB7YLacvA5eiuv2l3uWGYe4LEf9M93oYO5Q+kxsBv7IxEQzok1KhdtmkHOQiu3KW+o/SPH05v1U3LqaL8ey9fa3t/3/BZCBUPSfB9cEGPCR+MVBaco2NBYAw//zCit7iDQjVU1QC03q/M8/MasBoYpHkl3f6+MWvfPSx6j1Xi8aY63jsAlhweB/OipvUvCe/eqX5O8sdcbJFoJylHg6Je/VFWw7oP3TMlamtI6vkRkqRE2lKwwkBw0MUnNDv+XWHi+DprF2P3QBU1dYetJX3EbOtRcZYp+MDfjqxADRxp0Uww==
signature_date : 2024-08-19T14:00:09.506272
signed_attributes : package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuphelpers import *
import platform
import bs4 as BeautifulSoup
Usable WAPT package functions: install(), uninstall(), session_setup(), audit(), update_package()
Installation procedure:
# Declaring global variables - Warnings: 1) WAPT context is only available in package functions; 2) Global variables are not persistent between calls
bin_contains = "tightvnc-"
properties = {"ADDLOCAL": "Viewer"}
def install():
# Declaring local variables
bin_name = glob.glob("*%s*.msi" % bin_contains)[0]
# Installing the software
print("Installing: %s" % bin_name)
install_msi_if_needed(bin_name, properties=properties)
def update_package():
# Declaring local variables
result = False
proxies = get_proxies()
if not proxies:
proxies = get_proxies_from_wapt_console()
app_name = control.name
url = "https://www.tightvnc.com/download.php"
if control.architecture == "x64":
arch = "64bit"
arch = "32bit"
end_bin_name = "-gpl-setup-%s.msi" % arch
# Getting latest version from official sources
print("URL used is: %s" % url)
for bs_search in bs_find_all(url, "a", "href", proxies=proxies):
if bs_search["href"].endswith(end_bin_name):
version = bs_search["href"].split("/")[-2]
latest_bin = bs_search["href"].split("/")[-1]
download_url = bs_search["href"]
print("Latest %s version is: %s" % (app_name, version))
print("Download URL is: %s" % download_url)
# Downloading latest binaries
if not isfile(latest_bin):
print("Downloading: %s" % latest_bin)
wget(download_url, latest_bin, proxies=proxies)
# Checking version from file
version_from_file = ".".join(get_version_from_binary(latest_bin).split(".")[:3])
if Version(version) != Version(version_from_file) and version_from_file != "":
print("Changing version to the version number of the binary (from: %s to: %s)" % (version, version_from_file))
os.rename(latest_bin, bin_contains + version_from_file + end_bin_name)
version = version_from_file
print("Binary file version correspond to online version")
# Changing version of the package
if Version(version) > Version(control.get_software_version()):
print("Software version updated (from: %s to: %s)" % (control.get_software_version(), Version(version)))
result = True
control.version = "%s-%s" % (Version(version), control.version.split("-", 1)[-1])
# control.set_software_version(version)
# Deleting outdated binaries
# Validating or not update-package-sources
return result
def get_proxies():
r"""Return system proxy with the urllib python library
>>> get_proxies()
{'http': 'http://srvproxy.ad.domain.lan:8080',
'https': 'http://srvproxy.ad.domain.lan:8080'}
if platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == "3":
from urllib.request import getproxies
from urllib import getproxies
return getproxies()
def get_proxies_from_wapt_console():
r"""Return proxy information from the current user WAPT console
>>> get_proxies_from_wapt_console()
{'http': 'http://srvproxy.ad.domain.lan:8080',
'https': 'http://srvproxy.ad.domain.lan:8080'}
proxies = {}
if platform.system() == "Windows":
waptconsole_ini_path = makepath(user_local_appdata(), "waptconsole", "waptconsole.ini")
waptconsole_ini_path = makepath(user_home_directory(), ".config", "waptconsole", "waptconsole.ini")
if isfile(waptconsole_ini_path):
proxy_wapt = inifile_readstring(waptconsole_ini_path, "global", "http_proxy")
if proxy_wapt:
proxies = {"http": proxy_wapt, "https": proxy_wapt}
return proxies
def bs_find(url, element, attribute=None, value=None, user_agent=None, proxies=None, features="html.parser", **kwargs):
r""" "Parse html web page with BeautifulSoup and get the first result
url (str): url of the web page to parse
element (str): searched element
attribute (str): selected attribute of the element
value (str): value of the selected attribute
user_agent (str): specify a user-agent if needed
proxies (dict): specify your proxy if needed
**kwargs (str): joker for requests parameters
features (str): bs feature to use
>>> bs_find('https://www.w3.org/', 'a', 'title', 'Open Web Platform testing')['href']
>>> bs_find('https://www.w3.org/', 'span', 'class', 'alt-logo').string
.. versionadded:: 2.0
import requests
if user_agent:
page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, headers={"User-Agent": "%s" % user_agent}, **kwargs).text
page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, **kwargs).text
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(page, features=features)
if value:
return soup.find(element, {attribute: value})
return soup.find(element)
def bs_find_all(url, element, attribute=None, value=None, user_agent=None, proxies=None, features="html.parser", **kwargs):
r""" "Parse html web page with BeautifulSoup and get a list of the result
url (str): url of the web page to parse
element (str): searched element
attribute (str): selected attribute of the element
value (str): value of the selected attribute
user_agent (str): specify a user-agent if needed
proxies (dict): specify your proxy if needed
**kwargs (str): joker for requests parameters
features (str): bs feature to use
>>> bs_find_all('https://www.w3.org/', 'a', 'title', 'Open Web Platform testing')[0]['href']
>>> bs_find_all('https://www.w3.org/', 'span', 'class', 'alt-logo')[0].string
.. versionadded:: 2.0
import requests
if user_agent:
page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, headers={"User-Agent": "%s" % user_agent}, **kwargs).text
page = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, **kwargs).text
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(page, features=features)
if value:
return soup.find_all(element, {attribute: value})
return soup.find_all(element)
def get_version_from_binary(filename, property_name="ProductVersion"):
r"""Get installer version from file informations, for now, only exe and msi files are compatibles
filename (str): path to the file
property_name (str): selected property
str: version number
if filename.endswith(".msi"):
return get_msi_properties(filename)[property_name]
return get_file_properties(filename)[property_name]
def remove_outdated_binaries(version, filename_contains=None, list_extensions=["exe", "msi", "deb", "rpm", "dmg", "pkg"]):
r"""Remove files based on the version contained in his filename
version (str): version number of keeped files
filename_contains (str or list of str): Part of the filename that must be contained (useful for distinguishing architecture and os)
list_extensions (str or list of str): file extensions of verified files
.. versionadded:: 2.0
if type(list_extensions) != list:
list_extensions = [list_extensions]
if filename_contains:
if type(filename_contains) != list:
filename_contains = [filename_contains]
list_extensions = ["." + ext for ext in list_extensions if ext[0] != "."]
for file_ext in list_extensions:
for bin_in_dir in glob.glob("*%s" % file_ext):
if not version in bin_in_dir:
if filename_contains:
for filename_contain in filename_contains:
if not filename_contain in bin_in_dir:
cc7c92ca6c0c14bb41202bea9fcb1824345a9ac3cd0f97c26e04dcd9b95507d2 : setup.py
: __pycache__
8c1893f19dbe8e67261e337aca3c59bad9d3136cb47930a1026c42be047c2385 : WAPT/icon.png
a5a97261381e1d0ad46ee15916abec9c2631d0201f5cc50ceb0197a165a0bbbf : WAPT/certificate.crt
a4929bb1dcfc7aa245a44e8b4b7240cccc94bcad7240282409c144efe3912ae9 : tightvnc-2.8.85-gpl-setup-32bit.msi
4020b4e4de8a447024d9ad285ff4db5a2ebba686174b8289ebf64a92bcc369d1 : luti.json
0d2512df424165d058c528b504376dc7f17aa5f29385a6ff359511b10324b0bc : WAPT/control