package : tis-winoscill-portable
version : 0.88-1
architecture : all
section : base
priority : optional
name : Winoscillo
categories : Education
maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Amel FRADJ
description : WinOscillo is designed for people who want to see the signal or spectrum of a sound, measure its frequency and even test an audio device
depends :
conflicts :
maturity : PROD
locale :
target_os : windows
min_wapt_version : 2.3
sources :
installed_size :
impacted_process :
description_fr : WinOscillo est destiné aux personnes qui veulent voir le signal ou le spectre d'un son, mesurer sa fréquence et même tester un appareil audio
description_pl : WinOscillo jest przeznaczony dla osób, które chcą zobaczyć sygnał lub widmo dźwięku, zmierzyć jego częstotliwość, a nawet przetestować urządzenie audio
description_de : WinOscillo ist für Menschen gedacht, die das Signal oder das Spektrum eines Tons sehen, seine Frequenz messen und sogar ein Audiogerät testen wollen
description_es : WinOscillo está diseñado para personas que quieren ver la señal o el espectro de un sonido, medir su frecuencia e incluso probar un dispositivo de audio
description_pt : O WinOscillo foi concebido para pessoas que pretendem ver o sinal ou o espetro de um som, medir a sua frequência e até testar um dispositivo de áudio
description_it : WinOscillo è pensato per chi vuole vedere il segnale o lo spettro di un suono, misurarne la frequenza e persino testare un dispositivo audio
description_nl : WinOscillo is ontworpen voor mensen die het signaal of spectrum van een geluid willen zien, de frequentie ervan willen meten en zelfs een audioapparaat willen testen
description_ru : WinOscillo предназначен для тех, кто хочет увидеть сигнал или спектр звука, измерить его частоту и даже протестировать аудиоустройство
audit_schedule :
editor :
keywords :
licence : wapt_entreprise
homepage :
package_uuid : b9568ff9-f7eb-4777-8d8e-75ed19f28542
valid_from :
valid_until :
forced_install_on :
changelog :
min_os_version :
max_os_version :
icon_sha256sum : c2599335b4b54c758be0963a6b57070174eeba96f1fcb99598a5e0308ca31427
signer : Tranquil IT
signer_fingerprint: 8c5127a75392be9cc9afd0dbae1222a673072c308c14d88ab246e23832e8c6bb
signature_date : 2024-09-11T11:07:27.000000
signed_attributes : package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes
signature : P3TE6hQOEyW5N1EXIuFOLfyYkE2FZSDnncNsz9vQfTkjO0RkQxI07mv0FDiYdKyfoI5cRZ5j3/cU0ziR2+5b9zrrm7j9zdNRocd4Z1307/QWGJKyJCQy9IaGfRyotng61v3dZBRq3F7Kml/0VTtxw5Es3JYxgHQPRB4ddqbIR7SHaA84cmTMllvCPcQFR11fZB8XgeOhmsV3Mf5tNM9ieAq4hPu1vSK11sXZ1/xWXfv9BjSCvM/kZYi32fKlbhY6IyLRaUYVB87unKW+6oXeaWV+NQRo5Qc8fmBQ0fwc3BZphp919cfI+MYek0PkRUOMw6Z38Uy92DZ8KHMyhYJjzA==