package : tis-sensu-agent
version :
architecture : x64
section : base
priority : optional
name : Sensu Agent
categories : Development
maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Amel FRADJ
description : The Sensu agent is a lightweight Sensu Go client that runs on the infrastructure components you wish to monitor
depends :
conflicts :
maturity : PROD
locale :
target_os : windows
min_wapt_version : 2.3
sources :
installed_size :
impacted_process :
description_fr : L'agent Sensu est un client Sensu Go léger qui s'exécute sur les composants d'infrastructure que vous souhaitez surveiller
description_pl : Agent Sensu to lekki klient Sensu Go, który działa na komponentach infrastruktury, które chcesz monitorować
description_de : Der Sensu-Agent ist ein leichtgewichtiger Sensu-Go-Client, der auf den Infrastrukturkomponenten läuft, die Sie überwachen möchten
description_es : El agente Sensu es un cliente ligero de Sensu Go que se ejecuta en los componentes de la infraestructura que desea supervisar
description_pt : O agente Sensu é um cliente Sensu Go leve que é executado nos componentes da infraestrutura que pretende monitorizar
description_it : L'agente Sensu è un client leggero di Sensu Go che viene eseguito sui componenti dell'infrastruttura che si desidera monitorare
description_nl : De Sensu agent is een lichtgewicht Sensu Go client die draait op de infrastructuurcomponenten die je wilt bewaken
description_ru : Агент Sensu - это легкий клиент Sensu Go, который запускается на компонентах инфраструктуры, которые вы хотите контролировать
audit_schedule :
editor :
keywords :
licence : opensource_free,wapt_public
homepage :
package_uuid : 2d4109b9-247d-4dbb-b867-b9372285dc84
valid_from :
valid_until :
forced_install_on :
changelog :
min_os_version :
max_os_version :
icon_sha256sum : fd9debea71786cfaf1aef3b3352d1eb6a434522a266044f58f7087faaa51c0d7
signer : Tranquil IT
signer_fingerprint: 8c5127a75392be9cc9afd0dbae1222a673072c308c14d88ab246e23832e8c6bb
signature_date : 2024-12-23T15:07:06.000000
signed_attributes : package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes
signature : bmhR4/8CF//ia90WenuBnrL2y7FLL8yxsTII8ZbrKRWjhsgImYT1HNYV/j/qD4dwcZuuXPOQzMGtK7Jya62ur3ZSI+sXY2cftziqpUitgziGoC30uO1OaPmyysFsfioFEJgDF9U+Pyjkz50zAM+cVbxe9KvK1lvE0RchfD6DzHwPhm+9S8ynkVGU1xBKyf88sABYFKC05cA58LQFyb4yZM/w6XAv9KPdLQcPS2/YCR9aNU6sKpJKMVsIaFT9LghYt7MgRIE7vaaxYn+t2wZRk/YD7J4Vv+DIkScsIRxPFnuaS+TIjHAOqyqZVaT2fJy0U1cQHGBk5OAnBrUiASFn+A==