Python VSCode Extension
8846 téléchargements
Voir le résultat de la construction Voir l'analyse de VirusTotal
- package : tis-vscode-python
- name : Python VSCode Extension
- version : 2023.8.0-23
- categories : Development,Extension
- maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Jimmy PELÉ
- installed_size : 76488704
- editor : Microsoft
- licence : opensource_free,cpe:/a:mit:x11_license
- signature_date : 2023-05-28T20:00:14.024375
- size : 11.89 Mo
- locale : all
- target_os : all
- impacted_process :
- architecture : x64
- Page d'accueil : https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python
- Cela dépend :
package : tis-vscode-python
version : 2023.8.0-23
architecture : x64
section : base
priority : optional
name : Python VSCode Extension
categories : Development,Extension
maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Jimmy PELÉ
description : Python VSCode Extension
depends : tis-vscode
conflicts :
maturity : PROD
locale : all
target_os : all
min_wapt_version : 2.1
sources : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/ms-python.python
installed_size : 76488704
impacted_process :
description_fr :
description_pl :
description_de :
description_es :
description_pt :
description_it :
description_nl :
description_ru :
audit_schedule :
editor : Microsoft
keywords : vscode,extension,python
licence : opensource_free,cpe:/a:mit:x11_license
homepage : https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python
package_uuid : 6ec8322d-e9f8-4cc5-8332-0d4534ecb210
valid_from :
valid_until :
forced_install_on :
changelog : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/ms-python.python/changelog
min_os_version :
max_os_version :
icon_sha256sum : 2a548f2dd75093de32da7aff8e0553f1903ecf02f22664d95eb01d4aaa28a878
signer : Tranquil IT
signer_fingerprint: 8c5127a75392be9cc9afd0dbae1222a673072c308c14d88ab246e23832e8c6bb
signature : JiBCUzKYf7pwuLKC8u8419TgV2Kl+2jPxAtqpzdhcCVII5oFx95gI8aF84En9fPN6lxpgKdT1j9ivq7dLUPTDOFdH/CqNyLQ5vf4U+gkWFqr//FQm2Y6rjTxLyld1TYvvSCI6cf7knO7Jox2WoO7F8O28j8L13qoNoaFsimSON7PcYIMwEo5QM2vpNAwqLlYH77h0XzM6UWT3MBBLvHRj1xOm17P9bAq85tltHnWRbksbSnAD4c56NTYUD8jiafz/JhnkwPWYL2cnMuTCj3MqM9tFIVE7FPCLatEbLPWqGvGiBYoKDTOyaeeKRWO1Ddg4pD8ct+ZBeRiaCU9OaRwmQ==
signature_date : 2023-05-28T20:00:14.024375
signed_attributes : package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuphelpers import *
ext_uid_name = "ms-python.python"
def install():
# Initializing variables
package_version = control.get_software_version()
ext_file_name = glob.glob("*%s*.vsix" % ext_uid_name)[0]
if get_os_name() == "Windows":
app_dir = makepath(programfiles, "Microsoft VS Code")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "bin", "code")
elif get_os_name() == "Linux":
app_dir = makepath("/", "usr", "share", "code")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "bin", "code")
elif get_os_name() == "Darwin":
app_dir = makepath("/", "Applications", "Visual Studio Code.app")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "app", "bin", "code")
ext_path = makepath(app_dir, ext_file_name)
# Removing old extensions from app_dir
for ext in glob.glob(makepath(app_dir, "*%s*.vsix" % ext_uid_name)) + [makepath(app_dir, "ms-python-release.vsix")]:
print("Removing: %s" % ext)
# Copying extension to app_dir
print("Copying: %s to: %s" % (ext_file_name, app_dir))
filecopyto(ext_file_name, app_dir)
# Disable File Validation Warning
if get_os_name() == "Windows":
set_environ_variable("PYDEVD_DISABLE_FILE_VALIDATION", "1")
def session_setup():
# Initializing variables
package_version = control.get_software_version()
if get_os_name() == "Windows":
app_dir = makepath(programfiles, "Microsoft VS Code")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "bin", "code")
elif get_os_name() == "Linux":
app_dir = makepath("/", "usr", "share", "code")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "bin", "code")
elif get_os_name() == "Darwin":
app_dir = makepath("/", "Applications", "Visual Studio Code.app")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "app", "bin", "code")
ext_path = glob.glob(makepath(app_dir, "*%s*.vsix" % ext_uid_name))[0]
# Installing extension in user env
print("Installing: %s extension in user env" % (ext_path))
vsix_cmd = f'"{app_bin_path}" --install-extension "{ext_path}"'
if force or "2021.12.1559732655" in ext_path:
vsix_cmd += " --force"
result = run_notfatal(vsix_cmd) # code extension always return exit status 0 for now
# if "Failed Installing Extensions" in result and not force:
if "Failed Installing Extensions" in result or "A newer version of extension" in result and not force:
print("Unable to install extension with: %s" % ext_path)
print("Force install: %s extension in user env" % (ext_uid_name))
# result_force = run_notfatal('"%s" --install-extension "%s" --force' % (app_bin_path, ext_uid_name))
result_force = run_notfatal('"%s" --install-extension "%s" --force' % (app_bin_path, ext_uid_name + "@2021.12.1559732655"))
if "Failed Installing Extensions" in result_force:
print("Unable to force install %s extension" % ext_uid_name)
# # Please disable Jupyter extension manually instead of this code since it can not be done silently
# if not WAPT.is_installed("tis-vscode-jupyter"):
# # Disable Jupyter just once since it run VSCode...
# if not registry_readstring(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"SOFTWARE\WAPT\Code", "DisableJupyterOnce") == "Done":
# run_notfatal('"%s" --disable-extension "ms-toolsai.jupyter"' % (app_bin_path))
# registry_setstring(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"SOFTWARE\WAPT\Code", "DisableJupyterOnce", "Done")
def audit():
# Initializing variables
package_version = control.get_software_version()
if get_os_name() == "Windows":
app_dir = makepath(programfiles, "Microsoft VS Code")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "bin", "code")
elif get_os_name() == "Linux":
app_dir = makepath("/", "usr", "share", "code")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "bin", "code")
elif get_os_name() == "Darwin":
app_dir = makepath("/", "Applications", "Visual Studio Code.app")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "app", "bin", "code")
ext_path = glob.glob(makepath(app_dir, "*%s*.vsix" % ext_uid_name))[0]
print("OK: %s extension present" % ext_uid_name)
return "OK"
print("ERROR: %s extension absent" % ext_uid_name)
return "ERROR"
def uninstall():
# Initializing variables
package_version = control.get_software_version()
if get_os_name() == "Windows":
app_dir = makepath(programfiles, "Microsoft VS Code")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "bin", "code")
elif get_os_name() == "Linux":
app_dir = makepath("/", "usr", "share", "code")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "bin", "code")
elif get_os_name() == "Darwin":
app_dir = makepath("/", "Applications", "Visual Studio Code.app")
app_bin_path = makepath(app_dir, "Contents", "Resources", "app", "bin", "code")
# Removing extensions from app_dir
for ext in glob.glob(makepath(app_dir, "*%s*.vsix" % ext_uid_name)):
print("Removing: %s" % ext)
# Removing extension from user profiles
killalltasks(["Code", "code"])
print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "%s-*" % ext_uid_name)))
def remove_tree_for_all_users(user_folder_relative_path, ignored_users=None, ignore_system_users=True):
r"""Remove a specific folder or folders for all user's profiles
user_folder_relative_path (str): relative path to user folder, glob patterns can be used
ignored_users (str or list of str): ignore specified users
ignore_system_users (bool): ignore default, public, all users, etc. True by default
list: list of deleted folders
>>> print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "ms-toolsai.jupyter-*")))
['C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.2.1001817079', 'C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap-1.0.0', 'C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers-1.0.6']
>>> print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "ms-toolsai.jupyter-")))
>>> print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "ms-toolsai.jupyter-[a-z]*")))
['C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap-1.0.0', 'C:\\Users\\username\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers-1.0.6']
>>> print(remove_tree_for_all_users(makepath(".vscode", "extensions", "ms-toolsai.jupyter-1.0.0")))
.. versionadded:: 2.3
system_users_list = ["All Users", "Default", "Default User", "Public", "Shared"]
if ignored_users is None:
ignored_users = []
if type(ignored_users) != list:
ignored_users = [ignored_users]
deleted_folders = []
skipped_users = []
if ignored_users:
if ignore_system_users:
if get_os_name() == "Windows":
users_dir = makepath(systemdrive, "Users")
elif get_os_name() == "Linux":
users_dir = "/home"
elif get_os_name() == "Darwin":
users_dir = "/Users"
for user_profile in glob.glob("%s/*/" % users_dir):
for ignored_user in ignored_users:
if user_profile.rstrip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep)[-1] == ignored_user:
for user_folder_to_delete in glob.glob(r"%s" % makepath(user_profile, user_folder_relative_path)):
return deleted_folders
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuphelpers import *
import json
import requests
import time
ext_uid_name = "ms-python.python"
ext_publisher = ext_uid_name.split(".")[0]
def update_package():
# Declaring local variables
result = False
proxies = get_proxies()
if not proxies:
proxies = get_proxies_from_wapt_console()
app_name = control.name
url = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=%s" % ext_uid_name
# Getting latest version from official sources
print("URL used is %s" % url)
for bs_search in bs_find_all(url, "script", "type", "application/json", proxies=proxies):
if bs_search.string.startswith("{"):
json_data = json.loads(bs_search.string)
api_url = "https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/vscode-python/releases/latest"
json_load = json.loads(wgets(api_url, proxies=proxies))
version = json_load["tag_name"].split("-")[-1].replace("v", "")
version = "2021.12.1559732655"
download_url = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery/publishers/%s/vsextensions/%s/%s/vspackage" % (
latest_bin = ext_uid_name + "-%s.vsix" % version
print("Latest %s version is: %s" % (app_name, version))
print("Download URL is: %s" % download_url)
# Downloading latest binaries
if not isfile(latest_bin):
print("Downloading: %s" % latest_bin)
content = requests.get(download_url, stream=True)
nb_wait = 0
max_wait = 3600
while str(content.status_code) == "429":
timewait = int(content.headers["Retry-After"])
print("Wait %s" % timewait)
nb_wait = nb_wait + timewait
if nb_wait > max_wait:
error("Max wait ...")
content = requests.get(download_url, stream=True)
with open(latest_bin, "wb") as f:
for chunk in content.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 1024):
# Changing version of the package
if Version(version) > Version(control.get_software_version()):
print("Software version updated (from: %s to: %s)" % (control.get_software_version(), Version(version)))
result = True
print("Software version up-to-date (%s)" % Version(version))
control.version = "%s-%s" % (Version("version"), control.version.split("-", 1)[-1])
control.version = "%s-%s" % (Version("2023.8.0"), control.version.split("-", 1)[-1])
# control.set_software_version(version)
# Deleting outdated binaries
remove_outdated_binaries(version, "vsix")
# Validating or not update-package-sources
return result
41c35356bec331afc7f3524c650677d8f224ae01645099f238a780bc4ac1889d : setup.py
9ae4cb481bc0706e88b1fcee135f79f7217c0b1e2a7018a68b149a145f5d56f8 : update_package.py
8574d567b81bbb6df8cf2020d19ad93d4a3aa142c1f7c6a9c5eefd536c901c3e : ms-python.python-2021.12.1559732655.vsix
2a548f2dd75093de32da7aff8e0553f1903ecf02f22664d95eb01d4aaa28a878 : WAPT/icon.png
a5a97261381e1d0ad46ee15916abec9c2631d0201f5cc50ceb0197a165a0bbbf : WAPT/certificate.crt
d687f25a17c0738a20df72663e63b91700cda6f97d4408702647b763916bf400 : WAPT/changelog.txt
c81ad0067119aa7e7b66fe1f2a36d6f5095b2dd6af0dc22d7cf8bcd3380299bc : luti.json
b2309d241d984747fa6eb61b3b4b0277554feb7a60a756c6f6eabd2e64400d01 : WAPT/control
Temporary using ms-python.python@2021.12.1559732655 until https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-python/issues/21265 is fixed
Disable File Validation Warning with Set PYDEVD_DISABLE_FILE_VALIDATION=1 on Windows
Switch to release version
Removes old file ms-python-release.vsix if found
Please disable Jupyter extension manually if you do not use it
Handle downgrade with `wapt-get session-setup tis-python -f`